Cats Who Code
Position: Owner at Web Development Studio
Cats Who Code is a website dedicated to those who create and maintain websites : web developers, web designers, webmasters, and so on.
Our aim is to make web development easier and more fun by providing high quality resources and useful tutorials to our readers.
The website has been founded in June 2008. The name “Cats Who Code” came from the founder’s immoderate love for these sweet, friendly and funny animals (And also because domains like webdevblog.com were already taken).
My name is Jean and I’m a 34 years old web developer and professional blogger. I was born and raised in Paris, France and I now live in Finland with my wonderful wife. I first used the internet in 1998, built my first website in 2001 and finally started to work as a professional web developer in 2005. In 2010, I left my job and created my own web development studio.
I have blogged several times on Smashing Magazine and also own a WordPress hacks site WpRecipes.com.
Cats Who Code provides free guides, tutorials and articles about web development, WordPress and web design. All content on the site is free of charge for our readers.
In order to pay server costs, guest writers, domain name and other fees implied by running a quite popular website, we rely on advertising. If you’re using an ad blocker, we ask you to please whitelist Cats Who Code, even if you’re not interested in our ads. Cats Who Code uses advertising in a responsable way, which means that we refuse to display pop-ups ads, flash ads, blocking content or any kind of advertising unrelated to the topics covered by the site.
Cats Who Code also use affiliate marketing to provide an additional revenue which allow us to keep the site running. By clicking on one of our affiliate links and buying the related product, we earn a small comission while it doesn’t cost any more money to the buyer.
We only promote products that we like and find useful. In other words, if an article says “this WordPress premium plugin is great”, we mean it.
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